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Rust vs C++: The Key Differences You Should Know

Both C++ and Rust are system programming languages that can be used to develop applications and platforms. They can interact with low-level components like operating systems or firmware on a microcontroller, or they can interact with high-level components like application development.

C++ is probably familiar to readers of this site, therefore it doesn't need to be explained. However, it's worth taking a closer look at Rust, which has been the most popular programming language for the previous five years, according to StackOverflow polls. Rust is, indeed, a big topic right now! Among students, the dispute between Rust vs C++ is always a hot topic.

Why Rust?

Rust is sometimes marketed as a rival to C++, claiming to provide memory-safe functionality at compile time without the usage of a garbage collector, as other languages such as Java or Go do, allowing for runtime determinism, low latency, and high throughput, just like C++. Manual memory management in C++ has long been regarded as one of the most difficult problems for C++ programmers, despite the fact that only assembly code is closer to the hardware than C++. Rust includes a safe mode that helps squash memory errors at build time before they become major problems in production.

Why C++?

When we consider the origins and rise in popularity of C++, we can see that many developers switched from the predecessor C primarily because of the Object-Oriented features of C++, as well as the strength of generic programming with templates and the richness of the standard library containers compared to C's options.

Comparison between Rust vs C++

Compiler and Platform

C++ and Rust run on a variety of platforms, including Windows 32 and 64-bit architectures, Mac OS X, and Linux. Naturally, C++ has a much larger number of compilers than Rust. However, because the Rust compiler is built on LLVM, it may run in any environment that supports LLVM — a large list that includes support for Rust in the real-time VxWorks environment, for example. The Rust project defines three levels of target support, the first of which includes complete certification from the Rust project.

Learning Curve and Speed of Development

For most Rust rookies, whether young programmers or veterans of another language, the syntax and approach, the ownership model, and the way Rust implements OOP are all rather complicated. The use of Rust is similar in that developers struggle with the syntax at first.

C++ is a difficult language as well. The core grammar of C++, on the other hand, is easier to understand for most engineers coming from C, Java, or C#.


Because they are low-level and operate close to the hardware, applications built in either language have the potential to perform well in terms of latency and throughput. Both languages do not use a trash collector, which not only improves efficiency but also makes runtime speed more predictable. Due to latency spikes caused by memory difficulties and garbage collection, Discord, for example, switched one of their services from Go to Rust.

Memory Safety

With the now-common use of smart pointers, C++ has come a long way, but when you consider that 70 per cent of significant security defects in Chrome were discovered to be connected to memory safety issues, C++ lags behind in this area. Rust, on the other hand, is motivated by memory safety. To avoid the trade-off between memory safety and speed, C++ leaves memory safety to the developer, whereas Rust has built-in memory safety bounds that can be lifted with 'unsafe' code.

Pointers and Addresses

Both Rust vs C++ have substantial pointer support, with smart pointers being recommended in both cases. C++ developers use manual code review and static code analysis tools to look for errors when using raw pointers, whereas, in Rust, raw pointers cannot be used outside of an unsafe block. Unsafe blocks must be manually reviewed, though there are tools that can assist you with this.

Community Support

Both languages, C++ via the C++ ISO Committee and Rust via the Rust Foundation, have evolved in a very controlled and managed manner. Both have a thriving user base. However, because Rust is a newer language than C++, it's difficult to compare it to the latter's far broader user base. Many more forums, open-source projects, and StackOverflow contributors are available for C++. The truth is that C++ has been around for so long that the chances of a developer coming across a problem on their own are quite slim.


Rust vs C++ is a popular system programming language with a large community. Each has its own set of advantages and weaknesses, so both are likely to be around for a long time. The issue remains: will C++ continue to reign supreme, with some Rust thrown in for good measure, or will Rust eat into C++'s market share?

It's probably too early to know at this time. The 2020 Rust Survey identifies a number of areas where Rust has improved and grown in popularity in the last year. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any assistance with C++ programming help. We are available to help you at any time.

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